Press release: During the General Assembly, a new EGDF board has been elected

21 August 2024 – The General Assembly of the European Games Developer Federation (EGDF) has gathered on August 20th to discuss EGDF plans for the next time period. During the GA, a new board has been elected.

Hendrik Lesser will continue as president of EGDF and so do will KooPee Hiltunen from Neogames Finland Association, Gediminas Tarasevicius from Lithuanian Game Developers Association and David Rabineau from Syndicat National du Jeu Vidéo France, as board members.

Per Strömbäck from Spelplann – Association of Swedish Game Developers has been elected as the new EGDF board member.

Per Strömbäck has worked in games since 1996 as game developer, -publisher and in the last 19 years as the head of the Swedish Games Industry association. Per serves as the chair of the Nordic Game Institute since 2013 and he was part of founding EGDF. As a board member, Per would like to work on topics such as member services and benefits, communication and community, and improving the competing position for European game companies.

Jakub Marszałkowski from the Indie Game Poland Foundation has been elected as the new EGDF board member.

Dr. Jakub Marszałkowski has developed online strategy games for over 15 years. Now a Board Member of Indie Games Poland and head of the Game Industry Conference. Researcher and lecturer at the Poznan University of Technology, teaches an authored game design course. Since 2019, he has led research on AI/ML gamedev tools, with some results already presented in a lecture at GDC SF ’24. Acts in gamedev data/research projects as the main author of the Polish reports 2020-2023, a guidebook on higher education for Polish gamedev, and several other papers and books.

Martine Spaans  from Dutch Game Association has been elected as the new EGDF board member.

Martine Spaans has worked in the games industry since 2006. She runs publishing label; a boutique F2P Mobile game publisher with a hands-on approach, specialised in casual games like Hidden Object, Match-3 and Puzzles. She is also a regular speaker at game conferences and mentor for indie game development teams.  Since 2022 Martine also is the General Manager at the Dutch Games Association.

“Hard times make us more united. EGDF is growing, and I am happy to see a bigger board that represents all kinds of national European game developer associations” said Hendrik Lesser, president of EGDF.   


ABOUT EGDF – Uniting the European game dev industry

The European Games Developer Federation e.f. (EGDF The European Games Developer Federation e.f. (EGDF) unites national trade associations representing game developer studios based in 22 European countries: Austria (PGDA), Belgium (FLEGA, WALGA), Croatia (CGDA), Czech Republic (GDACZ), Estonia (GameDev), Finland (Suomen pelinkehittäjät), France (SNJV), Germany (GAME), Italy (IIDEA), Lithuania (LZKA), Netherlands (DGA), Norway (Virke), Poland (PGA, Indie Game Poland Foundation), Portugal (APVP), Romania (RGDA), Serbia (SGA), Spain (DEV), Slovakia (SGDA), Sweden (Spelplan‑ASGD), Switzerland (SGDA), Turkey (TOGED) and the United Kingdom (TIGA). For more information, visit

Contact for EGDF:

Jari-Pekka Kaleva,

Managing Director, European Games Developer Federation (EGDF)

Senior Policy Analyst, Neogames Finland ry.

Phone: +358 40 716 3640
