This model scheme illustrates “how to run” an incubation programme for game development companies. The model can be downloaded from here:
This model scheme illustrates “how to run” an incubation programme for game development companies. The model can be downloaded from here:
At the end of March 2020, EGDF conducted a pan-European survey in order to have a rough idea of the business impact of the COVID 19 outbreak on the European games industry. EGDF received replies from 239 studios, about 5% of almost 5000 game developer studios in Europe.
Art. 107(3)(d) TFEU – Culture and heritage, Direct grant, Loan/ Repayable advances: Decision not to raise objections
Diversität, also die Anerkennung der gesellschaftlichen Vielfalt, spielt in der Games-Branche bereits seit vielen Jahren eine besondere Rolle. Hier entwickeln Teams rund um die Welt gemeinsam Games, die über alle Grenzen hinweg gespielt werden…
GAME study on working in games industry. The study can be accessed here
Download the full The German Games Industry 2019 Report report from here
GAME study on eSports. The study can be accessed here
EGDF German member association GAME collects market data on German game markets. The German market data can be accessed at
Download the full Jahresreport der deutschen Games-Branche 2019 Report report from here
Download the full Jahresreport der deutschen Games-Branche 2018 Report report from here