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The report details the most important developments, covering everything from the German games market, the current situation and the challenges faced by games companies in Germany to the ‘Hier spielt Vielfalt’ diversity campaign. The annual report can be downloaded free of charge in German language from and the English version here:
Find out more here about the the market share of games produced in Germany
The VR Best Practice Catalogue plays a key role in opening up new business areas for game developers in the BSR. The stabilisation of existing and opening of new markets will enable the BSR to be a high potential actor in the rapidly growing VR sector and to develop into an international game industry hotspot. […]
Appraisal of the Game Incubation Landscape of the BSR in the European Context. It can be downloaded from here:
The manual summarises all the findings, lessons learnt and conclusions from the work on internationalisation, ideas for cooperation and recommendations to the different actors in game business. It can be downloaded from here:
The guideline provides hands-on support regarding the whole process of set-up and maintenance of a mentor system. It can be downloaded from here: